Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop

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shoppingBag Obroty: 25

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Stworzony: 21 mar 2019

Zaktualizowany: 22 lip 2022

Identyfikator: 79045

og体育首页ONE - Ściąganie bez limitów za 12.40$/mies

480k Przedmioty | Użytek komercyjny License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Wsparcie Dołącz, aby pobrać ten produkt  za darmo
Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop - Obraz funkcji 1Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop - Obraz funkcji 2Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop - Obraz funkcji 3Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop - Obraz funkcji 4Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop - Obraz funkcji 5Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop - Obraz funkcji 6Nextprest - Furniture Store Clean Bootstrap E-commerce Motyw PrestaShop - Obraz funkcji 7

Szukasz gotowego rozwiązania strony internetowej do sprzedaży artykułów wyposażenia wnętrz i mebli? - Motyw Nextprest Furniture to prawdziwa rzecz do stworzenia profesjonalnego sklepu internetowego w kilka minut. Rozbudowany panel kontrolny, pakiet przydatnych modułów oraz podstawowe wbudowane funkcje znacznie upraszczają proces zarządzania i konfiguracji sklepu. Motyw jest zoptymalizowany pod kątem wyszukiwarek i kompatybilny z różnymi przeglądarkami. Uderz w prezentację na żywo i dokonaj właściwego wyboru!

Lista zmian

Eveprest Furniture (12 July 2022):

  • theme version changed to 1.0.1;
  • old PrestaShop modules removed;
  • cart update for PrestaShop 1.7.8;
  • minor update of JX Product Zoomer module.

Eveprest Furniture (25 August 2021):

  • Update JX modules upto 1.7.7.x PrestaShop engine version.

Liczba recenzji dla tego produktu 4

Do not buy this theme! Seriously, you will lose precious time and money. All theme modules are not compatible with the latest PS version. Documentation is poor and demo data is deleting every content in your PS and directly inputs to PS tables content (if you have different prefix table errors will occur) also languages and other staff you do not need, resulting in double time to erase most of the things. Day by day I discovered new errors, finally I asked for a refund which is declined. This is the last time I buy a theme from Template og体育首页. P.S. Everything I say is valid, I am a PrestaShop Ambassador from Greece.
This is a theme you want if you want to have everything included! As a creative agency we want to offer our clients the best design along with great performance and as many features as possible, Many features, with many eye catching modules and extensions, with great time saving admin tools like mass editing products etc. And we should not foreget the amazing support and the 24/7 excellent chat! also i would like to mentions that every theme we have purchased from Zemez comes with great suppport and to the point answers!
Looks great and works fine, but is some situations have some lack of speed. The problem for me is the quantities of modules to set and some isn't easy.
Красивый шаблон. Приобретали три недели назад. А ещё у них хорошая техническая поддержка. Доволен

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Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver